Sunday, March 4, 2012

Between a rock and a softer place

I left Quiche with a lot on the mind. As I got to the next town, I had a thought. It made me smile.

If God can bring water from a ROCK and food from DEW in the desert...  surely He can grow corn from SOIL. SURELY. :)

And... if He can make fertile cropland from that rock hard soil in the ground... surely He can also soften the cold, hardened hearts of those “wicked landlords”, and sow goodness in its place.

And surely He can soften our own. 


Our God is a God of miracles, power, love, justice, and grace. (all at once!)

A while back, I was at church listening to a sermon about "do not be ashamed of the gospel" and I was scribbling onto my bulletin, I AM ashamed of the gospel!! - The gospel we preach, a gospel that does not have the power to heal & redeem ALL!!

But that’s not the gospel. The gospel is soooooo much farther reaching than we've packaged it up & doled it out to be. There will be, at the end of the day, no resident evil in our hearts, our lives, or in the world. As we dare trade in our cheap treasures for something much better - the God of Love and unbroken promises. Dare we believe? His Kingdom is come. He is reconciling ALL things. And therein we find the beauty in the broken and the depths of His grace. :) 

THAT is the Good News... that is why the Gospel is Good News for the poor. And that makes the mystery and power of the Gospel so beautiful and freeing to proclaim. 

He is Lord over earth and sky, water and soil, and our hearts.

I believe in miracles. Not for faith in miracles or faith in faith. But faith in Christ who has already redeemed all, who has the power to heal, whose heart is for the broken, and who has been writing this story since before the beginning of time.

And who invites us to respond (what fun would it be otherwise?).

"Jesus loves me". It's true! But about 8 years ago in Tanzania I came to a novel understanding that my faith was about something beyond myself. And that I was part of a story bigger than just me. It's the story of God's Kingdom. I've had a glimpse and yet so much to see.  

A piece of it is this: I look forward to a San Francisco flowing with corn [they seem to like it better than milk and honey]. :)

And we will all be part of that story.

I claim it and proclaim it.

Amen. :)