Friday, June 21, 2013

Guatemala on my heart :)

I've sent this to a few friends, without intention of writing a blog til after June 22.... but I thought after all, maybe I would write a little blog in case there are some friends I haven't sent a message to personally, who might have a special love for Guatemala/Central America, or who have been part of this journey with me! :) But don't feel pressured at all; just so you are in the in, and have the invitation along with others! :)

As you might or might not know...  I love Guatemala!! Ever since I stepped foot into that country in 2009, originally to learn Spanish after a year in Costa Rica doing an M.A. in Peace Education at the University For Peace, I fell in love with this place I immediately called “mi paraiso” - my paradise. (My first question when I arrived, was "How do you say paradise in Spanish?").  I don’t know if it’s the beauty and vibrancy of the colourful indigenous culture and landscapes, the particular friends I have made there, or the empathy and anger at the injustice against the indigenous population, but for some reason, Guatemala has a special place in my heart.

My first time in Guatemala, I saw both the beauty and the ugliness of the country, learned about the dark history first veiled by colourful attire. I met people face-to-face who have survived horrendous torture during the 36-year civil war (genocide); who lived and tasted death, and by grace, walked out on the side of life. I ended up staying in one village and developing a literacy-and-peace curriculum in a small community. :)

Last year, I had the chance to visit Guatemala again, this time, with my work. I was sooo thrilled to return, but had no idea before I arrived, the extent to which the visit would shape me again. I was welcomed with flair (and a whole outfit!) into a community in the mountains that had just received clean water for the first time ever.

I heard testimonies of women who recounted with tears the great suffering they endured each day for survival to fetch water, and the miracle they were now living with clean water in their homes. I was so smitten with the joy of sharing this with the community, I wrote two giddy blogs about the surprises and celebration of it all. 

I also had the chance to visit other communities, meeting families that, years after armed violence has settled, still walk the line each day between life and death in their destitute poverty and lack of access to basic needs for survival. I blogged about that too, first in cursing for the injustice, then something a little more constructive, a commitment to turn anger into hope. 
I will personally raise new funds for Guatemala. I don’t know how. But I will. I cannot walk away. The suffering in that community - and countless others just like it - is so, so UNNECESSARY. Apathy and inaction... aren't all so very far from deliberate malice. Poverty is unnecessary in this day and age. I will not walk away.
So I haven’t. Since September, I’ve been working with some friends who are putting together a 5KM or 10KM run, a “Run For H2O” in Vancouver (starting a few blocks from my house!) to raise compassion and funds to construct a clean water system for a Mayan community in Guatemala. Here’s a fun promo video we've made; I hope you’ll take 1.5 minutes to watch it! :) (click on the title on the top left, if it shows up cut off on your screen)

You might have noticed a few pictures here or there on Facebook; my little almost-2-year-old niece is braving the 5KM, and I've hosted a Guatemalan-themed BBQ (with cupcakes, of course!) to invite more friends into sharing our hopes and dreams for families in Guatemala.

It’s been quite the journey, but the day - this Saturday, June 22 - is finally almost here! We have more than 200 runners signed up for the event, who have raised just over $27,000. We’re not sure what the next 36 hours has in store, but we have high hopes! :)  

Would you consider joining me for this, in making a donation for Guatemala? You can donate directly here and see how your gift is helping reach my goal of raising $5,000 personally, or, if you would like to get a US tax receipt (instead of a Canadian one) you can donate on this page. (If you do donate on the US page, you can let me know how much you gave, and I can add it manually to my fundraising totals. :) )

No obligation at all, but if you'd like to be a part of this, I would love, love, love to have your support. I’ll be taking our Run For H2O leadership team to Guatemala in September to see the outcome of this year’s countless hours of preparation for the event, and to celebrate with the community the gift of clean water and brand new LIFE, made possible by the compassion and generosity of all our friends and family!

Thanks already for reading along and sharing this journey with me! 

Much love,
